Summertime Drams

What is your favorite dram after a day at the beach?

Oban Little Bay – My favorite malt after a day at the beach

As summertime approaches, and brings warm weather with it, people head to the seaside. But what is the perfect whisky to enjoy after a day at the ocean shore?

Something with a little coastal salinity seems to be in order. The light saltiness matches perfectly with the ocean air. The problem is that most of the whiskies from Islay and the other islands, the ones with that hint of brine, often carry quite a bit of peat. Those smokier whiskies seem better suited to a cool autumn evening around a campfire, or a cold winter day in front of the hearth.

That’s why the Oban Little Bay is my perfect summertime malt. Just the right amount of salinity to pair perfectly with the sea air in which it was matured, but without the usual peat smoke that comes along with that salt. 

Light enough to enjoy on a warm summer day, with hints of apple, citrus, and cinnamon, this one is perfect to sip on the porch after a long day at the beach, before heading out to dinner.

What is your favorite summertime dram? Let me know in the comments. And if you enjoyed this post, please subscribe to see more like it.